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Donation Requests

Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium is happy to help non-profit groups and their fundraising efforts through donations whenever possible. We ask that you follow our guidelines and provide us a minimum of four weeks advance notice.

Guidelines and Procedures:

  1. Organizations must mail or email their request along with the donation requested, addressed to Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium (4751 Main Street, Jupiter, Florida 33458). Emails to be sent to
  2. Phoned or dropped off requests will NOT be accepted
  3. Due to pick up the request, we ask if you or someone in your organization pick them up at the front office. Times for pick up will be Monday- Friday 9:30am to 5:00pm. We aren’t allowed to mail or email the request to you, you have to be in person for pick up.
  4. Beginning January 1st, 2017 we will no longer support third-party requests or organizational campaigns. We must receive them from an authorized staff representative (i.e. The United Way request must be on letterhead and the representative’s contact information at The United Way).
  5. Organizations are limited to ONE request per twelve month period. Please do not send duplicate requests. Please note if one person from your organization has been awarded no others can be awarded during that calendar year.
  6. Due to overwhelming demands, we have to limit our donations to organizations within Palm Beach, Broward, and Martin Counties.

Please note: A submitted request does not guarantee a donation.

Other Pertinent Information:

  • Approved requests will be one (1) voucher for a game of our choice at Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium.
  • We are unable to place/answer follow-up calls regarding donation requests.
  • Donations may only be made to non-profit, charitable 501 (c) (3) organization.
  • We are unable to donate to for-profit companies – including employee appreciation days/holiday events.
  • We are unable to make monetary donations, purchase programs or buy sponsor tables at events. If you are interested in monetary grants please see below the Cardinals/Marlins Fund information.
  • Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium front office personnel are unable to intervene on behalf of fans/organizations seeking autographs for charitable purposes.

Please consider the environment should you choose to send a Thank You note. Save paper, postage, and time by emailing us at

Cardinals / Marlins Fund

When Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium, now the Spring Training home of the Miami Marlins and St. Louis Cardinals, opened on March 1, 1998 in Jupiter, Florida, the event represented more to Palm Beach and Martin Counties than just a new venue in which to watch Major League Baseball.

The Marlins – who replaced the Montreal Expos as co-tenants of the stadium in 2003 – and the Cardinals have continued to play an active role in the local community throughout the years through both baseball and non-sport-related endeavors. The Cardinals/Marlins Fund seeks to provide financial assistance to local nonprofit organizations that encourage the participation of young people in sports and other physical fitness activities.



When the Cardinals and Expos first moved to Jupiter in 1998, both clubs expressed an immediate interest in playing an important role in the community’s well-being.

“Palm Beach County arranged the financing for us to build this wonderful facility,” said Cardinals President Bill DeWitt Jr. We wanted to reciprocate by creating a not-for-profit foundation.”

The Cardinals/Marlins Fund was initially endowed by the teams with a contribution of $12,000, representing the proceeds of the first exhibition game at the stadium (Cardinals vs. Expos). The teams have continued to increase contributions and now combine to distribute close to $40,000 each year.


The Advisory Board of the Cardinals/Marlins Fund has adopted the following Mission Statement:

“It is the mission of the Cardinals/Marlins Fund to provide financial assistance to sports and community service non-profit organizations in Palm Beach and Martin Counties so that young people may participate in baseball, sports programs and physical fitness activities.”


Once the Cardinals/Marlins Fund was in place, the teams appointed an Advisory Board of community leaders and team officials to oversee all activities and serve as a liaison to the community. Included among the original Board members was Cardinals Hall of Famer Lou Brock and Expos Hall of Famer – and Palm Beach Gardens resident – the late Gary Carter.

The Advisory Board is charged with establishing the guidelines, policies and parameters for the two major functions of the Fund – fundraising and grant awards.


A large number of the programs, activities and promotions held at Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium throughout the year, especially during Spring Training, are designed to benefit the Cardinals/Marlins Fund.

From PA announcements during all games to charity softball events, silent auctions and even in-game birthday recognitions, Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium is dedicated to promoting the Fund and gathering as many resources as possible.

“I’m proud to work with the Cardinals, the Marlins and the Advisory Board to help improve the lives of our neighbors,” said Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium General Manager Mike Bauer. “We’re presented with the unique opportunity to reach thousands of people every day at the games, so it’s important to make the most of it.”


The Cardinals/Marlins Fund is designed to help make an important lifelong impact on those in our midst who deserve every opportunity for personal growth but may lack the direction and support that specific programs can provide.


The Cardinals/Marlins Fund is designed to promote sports and physical fitness, as these activities provide lifelong benefits to young people. Special consideration is given to baseball and to organizations that support the undeserved members of the community. Giving someone “the opportunity to participate when they otherwise might be unable to” is a top priority for the Cardinals/Marlins Fund.

The Board has provided more than $225,000 to local programs since 1998 thanks to a wide range of activities and promotions, but nothing compares to the individual contributions by baseball fans who visit Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium each year.


Whether it’s donating money, time or other resources, every amount of dedication toward the Cardinals/Marlins Fund is appreciated. More information on how to donate can be found by calling the main stadium office at 561-775-1818.


  • Application filled out clearly and completely
  • Application submitted on time
  • How closely does the application match the Mission Statement?
  • Viability of the group as a community service or sports non-profit organization/ Schools are generally not to be considered unless the Board considers the situation unique.
  • Need of people impacted/ Underserved group – those that might not get an opportunity otherwise – should receive preference
  • In terms of the activity itself, baseball should be given top priority; followed by team sports and then other physical fitness activities.
  • Quantity of people impacted
  • Overall funding
  • How critical is the grant to this particular program?
  • Are Cardinals/Marlins Fund dollars being used to replace those of a more appropriate funding source?
  • Does the organization exhibit adequate fundraising and budget management?

Brick Program

Purchase your own personalized brick that will be placed in the Circle of Palms at Gate A in front of Roger Dean Chevrolet Stadium. Partial proceeds from the brick will go towards the Cardinals/Marlins Fund, which benefits area youth programs.

Each 4-inch by 8-inch brick can be engraved with your unique message of up to 20 characters per line, including spaces (three line maximum).

The cost of purchasing each RDCS brick is $106.50 (includes tax), and includes installation. Space is limited, so be sure to reserve yours now by calling 561-775-1818 or printing and faxing the Brick Form.


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